Unleash your true potential with our end-to-end job
change platform. Get a salary hike in just 90 days!Free Resume Builder to build perfect resumes in less than 10 minutes.
A good resume can get you 316% more interviews and we've got you covered with AI-powered resume quality check!
✦ Ready-to-use professional resume templates
✦ Auto-generate accomplishments and profile summary for resume
✦ ATS Resume Score that highlights skills matching the job description
✦ Real time feedback on strengths and areas of improvements
✦ Craft compelling cover letters in a click with our free cover letter builder
Optimize your profile in a few clicks for 10x more search appearances with recruiters!
90% recruiters use LinkedIn - Your strong professional presence online will get you hired faster!
✦ LinkedIn Profile Analyzer with Powerful AI suggestions to improve sections
✦ Improve and track your progress with a personalized profile score
✦ CRM with Seamless LinkedIn integration to expand and track your network
✦ Quickly import your data into your resume in just 1 click
Expand your professional network and get referrals from top companies!
✦ Curated list of employees, HRs and CEOs for each job you apply to
✦ Generate personalized outreach messages and connect to Hiring managers directly
✦ Follow up using our proven referral templates to get more interviews
✦ Track all connections and updates at one place
Find and Apply to high paying jobs effortlessly.
Out of 75,000+ jobs posted online every day - Find one that matches your skills and experience!
✦ Opprtunity Tracker that finds you the best jobs with AI while you sleep
✦ Save 95% time by ditching irrelevant jobs with Boolean search
✦ Unlock hidden high-paying jobs that others miss out on
✦ Organize and manage your job applications at one place
Impress the HR - answer every question with clarity and confidence.
Our AI interview coach will help you close job offers with 2-3x hike than your current salary!
✦ AI-powered Mock Interview Practice for any company you apply to
✦ Unlimited AI-generated questions for every job posting
✦ Receive in-depth AI feedback on body language, voice, and non verbal behavior
✦ Improve content by analysing filler words and speech patterns
Get a 360° overview of your journey from Resumes till the Job Offer.
A centralized dashboard to fast-track your next job.
✦ Track key metrics on job applications, interview and offer conversions
✦ Accelerate your progress with weekly reports and insights on your job-search
✦ Use the insights to improve interview selection, referral success and job offer conversion rates
It has everything a job seeker require to edge over others in terms of job search, resume editing, interview prep. Kudos to the team
NxtJob's step-by-step approach and personalized tools transformed my career transition. I secured two job offers and successfully moved to Europe. Highly recommended for effective international career shifts!
There were several features where we can connect with the recruiters, resume building, linkedin profile correction and many more.
As per reports, "88% of recruiters prefer referrals as their #1 source of hiring". So having an optimized LinkedIn profile is non-negotiable when it comes to professional networking and building connections.
With NxtJob.ai's AI Chrome Extension, optimizing every section of your profile is effortless, ensuring 10x discoverability in just a few clicks. Additionally, you'll get a personalized score to enhance and track your progress, along with an integrated networking CRM to expand your connections.